Golf Events
One Day Member Guest
The One Day Member Guest is a variable best ball event using 80% handicap. Teams will count 3 scores on the par 3’s, 2 scores on the par 4’s, and 1 score on the par 5’s. The teams for this event can consist of 1 member and 3 guests or 2 members and 2 guests. The team with the lowest net score will be the Champions. For more info, click HERE. Price: $1000 | Per Team Registration: Open now through September 2, sign up HERE. To register for our golf events with Golf Genius, you must have a GHIN number. If you do not have one, please contact Matt at Matthew.Grochola@invitedclubs.com. Special Overnight Rate: For those participating in the event you will have a special rate of $190 for Villas or $130 for Clubrooms! Email Firestone@invitedclubs.com to reserve your room today.