Events Calendar - The Country Club of the South


Club Events

Music Bingo

Music Bingo Saturday, February 1st | 7PM | The Nicklaus Lounge Music Bingo is an exciting musical spin on the traditional game of Bingo. Instead of listening for a number, players listen to their favorite music. This event is open to all members. There is no charge to play Music Bingo, members just pay for individual items ordered during the event. Winners each round receive their choice of a complimentary cocktail, appetizer, or dessert! Reservations are required. Check out Music Bingo at The Country Club of the South! Due to high demand for this event- *72-Hour Cancellation Policy Applies Cancellation Policy: The club's cancellation policy will be enforced. Reservations cancelled within 72 hours or less of the event date are subject to a $25++ per person cancellation fee. Members with a reservation that no-show for the event will also be charged a cancellation fee of $25++ per person.


Club Events

Don's Jazz and Old Fashioned Night

Don's Jazz & Old Fashioned Night Thursday, April 17th | 6-9PM | Outside Ballroom Patio (Weather Permitting) Sip on Don's Old Fashioned Cocktails and enjoy selections from the dinner menu while you listen to Live Jazz from Jason Smith! Please arrive between 6:00-7:00 PM. If you plan to attend with other Members, please make separate reservations to ensure proper account coordination for our staff. This event is open seating. Cancellation Policy: CCOS standard cancellation policy applies. Cancellations made within 48 hours of the event or failure to attend will result in a full charge for the reserved experience. Menu: Buffet (more information to follow). Price - $55++ Attire: Business Casual, please no jeans.


Club Events

Easter Bunny Ice Cream Social & Egg Hunt

Easter Bunny Ice Cream Social & Egg Hunt Saturday, April 19 | 1PM | The Golf Driving Range Join us for Easter egg hunts, ice cream and the Easter bunny on the golf driving range this year! All Egg Hunts will begin at 1:00 p.m. - the driving range will be divided into age groups. Then enjoy an ice cream party right after the egg hunts have concluded. EGG HUNT AGE GROUPS Ages 4 & Under Ages 5 - 8 Ages 9 - 12 *Please bring your own baskets!* Reservations are Required This event is only open to The Country Club of the South members and there is no cost to attend.


Club Events

Easter Brunch

Sunday, April 20 | 11AM-3PM | The Clubhouse Bring the family to join us for an Easter Sunday Brunch buffet! Seatings between 11am and 2:30pm. Adults $69++ | Children 5-12 $30++ | Children 0-4 Complimentary Make your Brunch Reservations on the Invited Clubs app. Questions? Call 770.475.1803 | Reservations required. 48-hour cancellation policy | No XLife discount Cancellation Policy Applies: The club's cancellation policy will be enforced. Reservations cancelled within 48 hours or less of the event date are subject to a 50% of the total price per person cancellation fee. Members with a reservation that no-show for the event are subject to be charged the full price of the event per person.


Club Events

Apr 12
7:00 p.m.

Music Bingo

Music Bingo Saturday, February 1st | 7PM | The Nicklaus Lounge Music Bingo is an exciting musical spin on the traditional game of Bingo. Instead of listening for a number, players listen to their favorite music. This event is open to all members. There is no charge to play Music Bingo, members just pay for individual items ordered during the event. Winners each round receive their choice of a complimentary cocktail, appetizer, or dessert! Reservations are required. Check out Music Bingo at The Country Club of the South! Due to high demand for this event- *72-Hour Cancellation Policy Applies Cancellation Policy: The club's cancellation policy will be enforced. Reservations cancelled within 72 hours or less of the event date are subject to a $25++ per person cancellation fee. Members with a reservation that no-show for the event will also be charged a cancellation fee of $25++ per person.


Club Events

Apr 17
6:00 p.m.

Don's Jazz and Old Fashioned Night

Don's Jazz & Old Fashioned Night Thursday, April 17th | 6-9PM | Outside Ballroom Patio (Weather Permitting) Sip on Don's Old Fashioned Cocktails and enjoy selections from the dinner menu while you listen to Live Jazz from Jason Smith! Please arrive between 6:00-7:00 PM. If you plan to attend with other Members, please make separate reservations to ensure proper account coordination for our staff. This event is open seating. Cancellation Policy: CCOS standard cancellation policy applies. Cancellations made within 48 hours of the event or failure to attend will result in a full charge for the reserved experience. Menu: Buffet (more information to follow). Price - $55++ Attire: Business Casual, please no jeans.


Club Events

Apr 19
1:00 p.m.

Easter Bunny Ice Cream Social & Egg Hunt

Easter Bunny Ice Cream Social & Egg Hunt Saturday, April 19 | 1PM | The Golf Driving Range Join us for Easter egg hunts, ice cream and the Easter bunny on the golf driving range this year! All Egg Hunts will begin at 1:00 p.m. - the driving range will be divided into age groups. Then enjoy an ice cream party right after the egg hunts have concluded. EGG HUNT AGE GROUPS Ages 4 & Under Ages 5 - 8 Ages 9 - 12 *Please bring your own baskets!* Reservations are Required This event is only open to The Country Club of the South members and there is no cost to attend.


Club Events

Apr 20
11:00 a.m.

Easter Brunch

Sunday, April 20 | 11AM-3PM | The Clubhouse Bring the family to join us for an Easter Sunday Brunch buffet! Seatings between 11am and 2:30pm. Adults $69++ | Children 5-12 $30++ | Children 0-4 Complimentary Make your Brunch Reservations on the Invited Clubs app. Questions? Call 770.475.1803 | Reservations required. 48-hour cancellation policy | No XLife discount Cancellation Policy Applies: The club's cancellation policy will be enforced. Reservations cancelled within 48 hours or less of the event date are subject to a 50% of the total price per person cancellation fee. Members with a reservation that no-show for the event are subject to be charged the full price of the event per person.
