Leagues & Tournaments in Kingwood, TX

Leagues & Tournaments

For information on any of these groups or to find out how to join one or more of these fun associations, please stop in or call the Pro Shop. 

KCC Tennis Association (KCCTA)
The purpose of KCCTA shall be to enhance the Members’ enjoyment of social tennis by providing an active, year-round program consisting of tournaments, fun days and other associated activities. Activities of the KCCTA are coordinated by a Board of Directors who are elected annually. To carry out its charge, the Board meets formally each month at The Clubs of Kingwood. 

Houston Ladies Tennis Association (HLTA)
Houston Ladies Tennis Association (HLTA) is a competitive interclub league in which the Club participates. The league consists of clubs and teams in and around the Houston area. There are more than 3,000 participants in the area covering more than 1,000 square miles. Competitive play ranges from B4 to championship levels and is a great way to meet people. The league can accommodate players who can play on a regular basis as well as substitutes who would like to play when they are available. To be a Member of a team at The Clubs of Kingwood, you must be an active Member with tennis privileges. 

United States Tennis Association (USTA)
The Clubs of Kingwood is located in the North Houston Division (NOHO) of the Texas Section of the U.S.T.A. During the year, many teams compete in leveled leagues of men’s, women’s and mixed double teams ranging from 3.0 to 4.5. There are also senior (50 year of age or older) leagues of men, women and mixed doubles and super senior players (60 or older). To be a Member of a team at The Clubs of Kingwood, you must be an active Member with tennis privileges.